at home
finally everything is pretty much done, as far as moving goes. kenny is absolutely amazing when it comes to packing and stuffing and fitting a lot of stuff into a very small space. first into the moving truck then in our little small apartment. so it starts to feel like home. the drive went well and kenny is a hero for driving so much!!
in normal kenny speed we got things together and about 24 hours after unloading it looks like we have lived here always. exept for the empty fridge.
it feels really good to call this home. but one has to get used to the RAIN. pouring down all day nonstop. and its really wet too!
in the exitement over living here the camera got left behind but got some pictures of our new home.
the new hairthing woun't last long in this rain but it looked nice that day..
and then theres the brown apartment building, ours is number five.
and then its the view from our window, a brown pool (!)
and then kenny is trying to get the ikea chair together (they never give you the right skrues..)
and then its our enormous wall long bookshelf for the rainy spring time.
and then theres wet camilla in kennys warm jacket going out to get burritos for the working peoples.
thats it. we love it.

in normal kenny speed we got things together and about 24 hours after unloading it looks like we have lived here always. exept for the empty fridge.
it feels really good to call this home. but one has to get used to the RAIN. pouring down all day nonstop. and its really wet too!
in the exitement over living here the camera got left behind but got some pictures of our new home.
the new hairthing woun't last long in this rain but it looked nice that day..
and then theres the brown apartment building, ours is number five.
and then its the view from our window, a brown pool (!)
and then kenny is trying to get the ikea chair together (they never give you the right skrues..)
and then its our enormous wall long bookshelf for the rainy spring time.
and then theres wet camilla in kennys warm jacket going out to get burritos for the working peoples.
thats it. we love it.

At 7:18 AM,
Birgitte said…
At dere har fått dere et hjem er fantastisk, men ille dumt at det er så langt borte assa..jeg vil bare stikke bort på kvelds, french toast you know!
At 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
and the bike is as always represented... in the living room! I love it!!!
miss you loves
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