whats up peoples
its rainy monday and am again the only norwegian i know i mils omkrets. my sister marie left yesterday morning and it has been two wonderful weeks together! even though i had to work a lot i hope she had fun (!) and thanks for all the sweeping help at my work. it was fun to explore even more of portland with her and she definitly knows what our normal life looks like now.... we had good times at the bakery, walking, shopping, watching movies, eating food, reading books. you know. the normal stuff we like to do. its always a little sad when people leave and off course it makes me miss that everyday contact with my family and friends that i dont have at this point. its hard. am not gonna lye! i miss my people. so we might come over there soon. dont know how long we can participate in keeping this war going with our tax money either...
until then..... heres a picture of a doped out but happy camilla with oldnew shoes i got personally delivered from marte in oslo. thank you!
At 11:05 AM,
Nina said…
Hei Camilla:)
Villa bare si at jeg tenker på deg jeg. er glad i deg og gleder meg til den dagen vi kan treffes igjen (håper det ikke blir altfor mye lenge til).
Du er skjønn:)
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hei Camilla! Det var så fint det du hadde skrevet om når jeg var hos deg. Hadde det veldig fint, og det var jo bra at jeg fikk oppleve hvordan dagliglivet deres er! Savner deg masse når jeg leser det. Men dere kommer heldigvis ganske snart. Gleder meg. Får ikke vært i Norge mer enn en uke samtidig som dere, så da kommer jeg til å henge på dere som en krok uansett om dere er i Oslo eller b.langen. Bare så du vet det.
At 6:57 AM,
alvh said…
hej kära! jag har en blog nu. heh.. och jag har skaffat skype!!
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