farwest of norway

in the farwest of norway i now live. its so far you have to fly for a really long time to get there. and when you get there they speak english and drive big trucks. but my bestfriend lives here. we live in a one bedroom with a dirty pool outside.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

det bor mange rare folk i portland ogsa may- britt andersen

i dag har jeg forste jobbedag her i portland. har fatt jobb pa et lite lokalt bakeri. franske brod og croissanter og sma herlige kaker og fantastisk kaffe. alt lages pa stedet og det lukter kjempegodt!
sa planen er a jobbe sa mye som mulig til jeg kan begynne pa skolen igjen her og bli ferdig en gang.... og ellers male og tegne og trykke enda mere fohapentligvis. dessuten kommer lillesis marie til helga og blir i to uker eller noe. noe som blir aldeles nydelig! og jeg fikk for noen dager siden en pakke med mye rart i fra unn... det var paskemarsipan og godt og blanda og oslo magasinet og brev og det varma mitt hjerte!! unn er sa god pa det med brev og pakker... har noe a lere der!
ellers har kenny vert litt hekta pa sykler i det siste og har na en ny MASI. han kan ikke vente med a vise et bilde av den nar han har bygd den ferdig! na er det bare a selge bilen og leve som man preker. uten a bidra til oljekriger og miljo odeleggelser.
lenge leve kollektivtransport!!
love c

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

this is not a game

its pure reality.
and a little corky.

"Hver spiller starter med å skrive seks rare ting om seg selv. Bloggere som blir "tatt" må skrive seks ting om seg selv i sin egen blogg, i tillegg til å angi reglene for spillet. Til slutt velger spilleren seks nye bloggere som "har den", og lister navnene deres. Etter det er gjort, skriver han eller hun en kommentar på bloggene til hver av dem, for å la dem vite at de har blitt "tatt", og at de må lese bloggen til den som tok dem for mer informasjon."

"Each player starts by writing six funny or stupid things about yourself. The bloggers that gets "tagged" have to write six things about yourself on your blog and also give the rules for the game. The blogger then tagges six new people and lists their names. Give them a notice on their blog that they have been tagged and that they will find more info on your blog."

these are my six things

1. i dont really eat icecream anymore. it hurts my stomach. and you know how much i love it!!!
2. i still cant handle any creeks or folds in my clothes when wearing them. especially in socks and tshirts. just like in kindergarden.
3. am a vegetarian but sometimes i just want a burnt hotdog from the bonfire wrapped in moisty lompe.
4. sometimes me and kenny practice singing for our secret artband that we are gonna start. (me, singing....)
5. i get so angry when watching commercials on tv that i feel bobbles inside and sometimes i scream.
6. i love hot water. even though i know its bad and i want solarpanels for my house.

i've tagged lillesis, nina, devon and eline. thats four and thats okei.


Friday, March 02, 2007

oh je.
and then theres that wonderful film that absorbed me last week. the science of sleep. french director, mexican guy in france and a whole lot of dreams and beautiful people making stuff and playing. watch the making of when renting the dvd... look at this scene

at home

finally everything is pretty much done, as far as moving goes. kenny is absolutely amazing when it comes to packing and stuffing and fitting a lot of stuff into a very small space. first into the moving truck then in our little small apartment. so it starts to feel like home. the drive went well and kenny is a hero for driving so much!!
in normal kenny speed we got things together and about 24 hours after unloading it looks like we have lived here always. exept for the empty fridge.
it feels really good to call this home. but one has to get used to the RAIN. pouring down all day nonstop. and its really wet too!
in the exitement over living here the camera got left behind but got some pictures of our new home.
the new hairthing woun't last long in this rain but it looked nice that day..
and then theres the brown apartment building, ours is number five.
and then its the view from our window, a brown pool (!)
and then kenny is trying to get the ikea chair together (they never give you the right skrues..)
and then its our enormous wall long bookshelf for the rainy spring time.
and then theres wet camilla in kennys warm jacket going out to get burritos for the working peoples.

thats it. we love it.